
Anyone who has knelt and given their hearts to God, ending their prayers in Jesus name, know that some prayers take time for an answer to arrive. Through test and trials we are conditioned, refined as Gold, so we can grow in God and increase our faith. I often want an answer now, but God does things for a need, and sometimes our wants are not something God thinks we need. God does know what is best for us, and He has our best interest in mind. We must continue to pray until something happens. When we feel that God might not answer a specific prayer, we need to ask God to give us peace about the situation. Remember, Daniel prayed for many days and the devil was holding up his answer from God. (Daniel 10:1-21). 

Everything happens in the Spirit first, then the physical. God has told me a few times before, "it is done." I had to wait a year or two for specific things to happen in the physical. It is hard sometimes and I know. I have knelt down for hours, sobbing, till I was on my face, in tears, slobber, etc, asking God to do something now. Well, He has answered some prayers very quickly, but most answers to my prayers took a while. I have tried getting others to assist in prayer, over some situations, and it didn't speed things up. There is no formula for God's timing. If there was, I would have found it years ago. There are some things that do need to be, in order to have God's ear. 

1. The Bible says: Be Righteous. You need to repent for anything you know you have done wrong.  

     Psalm 34:17

The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.

      1 Peter 3:12

For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.

2.  The Bible says:  you must believe God is hearing you and working on it. 

      Matthew 21:22

And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

There are many more scriptures about this subject. Look them up and pray about it. May God give you peace and patience


Feb 05, 2017